Sunday, April 6, 2014

Queer Representation: In the Media

All of the articles provided an insight on the evolution of queer representation in the media, but makes it clear that there is still negative stereotyping in the media. The article I was interested by, Queer Representation in the Media discusses how things have changed in the media in the past 30 years and how we have now seen gay and lesbians in TV and mainstream. However, many challenges exist. The article mentions how the criticism of gay and lesbians began in the 1960s-80s and the negative portrayal of gays and lesbians as being “sissys” and “drag queens.”
Those portrayals brought me back to last week’s reading, Cinderella Ate My Daughter. It reminded me of the reading because of the labeling and stereotypical ways of being a princess and being pretty or skinny. I think this relates so well to this week’s articles because of the stereotyping that is placed on gay and lesbians in the media and society.
            I think Hollywood puts a big pedestal on celebrities and make it a big deal if they are lesbian or gay. However, more celebrities are using their story as a good representation to tell people its okay and that homosexuality shouldn’t be cruel and shunned upon. I think there still remains the negative stereotyping that remains and how gay characters in movies are depicted as being evil or dangerous, it’s important that there is public figures who can influence others to be comfortable in their skin and be examples for others. I remember seeing this video a month ago and when I read these articles it reminded me of this…I think its a great representation that although major struggles remain in society regarding gay and lesbians criticism and stereotyping, come good examples and role models are present in society.

And then I found this picture, which is a great representation of this weeks text and last week in one picture, evidence that stereotyping exists.


  1. I think Hollywood puts a big pedestal on celebrities and make it a big deal if they are lesbian or gay. However, more celebrities are using their story as a good representation to tell people its okay and that homosexuality shouldn’t be cruel and shunned upon. ---- pasted that from your blog.... they are definitely doing a better job at it now and trying to make it into something more positive -- it must be extremely hard for a celebrity to go through their business coming out on tv and to be judged by the whole world... all the NBA players and NFL players that come out get so much shit for it....for what??

  2. I like your comment about celebrities, its very true how they are represented in the media if they are queer.

  3. I agree with you that celebrities are a role model for queer teens. Just look at Lady Gaga, she is an icon for LBGT youth!

  4. Love that picture! I totes cried when I watched the video of Ellen Page coming out. I don't like that she couldn't be herself, but I think it's important to note that she became a well liked and recognized actress before she came out because her sexuality has nothing to do with her talent as an individual. It makes a good point when you think about it.
